For qualifying basket purchases

The best breeders in one place

Insured, tracked and discreet

10% discount for all crypto orders

Payment Methods2024-11-24T21:55:46+00:00

Payments Methods

Find answers to your questions about our secure and convenient payment options below to help make your shopping experience as smooth as possible.

How secure is it to purchase from Dope Breeders?2024-11-12T11:51:15+00:00

Dope Breeders is committed to protecting your data security and privacy. All transactions are encrypted and secured by the latest SSL web security standards. We will never share or sell any of your personal data to third parties—read more in our Privacy Policy section.

I was placing an order, and a website error occurred. Can you confirm if my order was processed?2024-11-12T11:52:33+00:00

If your order was processed successfully, you’ll receive an automatic confirmation email. Please first check your registered email address and junk mail folders for this confirmation. If you’re unable to find it, reach out to us via our web form or at so we can investigate further.

More questions?2024-11-12T12:15:22+00:00

Please get in touch with us by email (, WhatsApp, or Telegram, and we’ll aim to respond as soon as possible.

Alternatively, visit our FAQ section to learn more about our services and commitments to you.

What payment options are available at Dope Breeders?2024-10-02T16:23:55+00:00

At checkout, you can choose from the following payment options:

  • Credit/debit card: Mastercard, Visa, Maestro
  • Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin, ETH, LTC, XRP, USDT, USDC*
  • Direct bank transfer
  • Cash by post
  • UK customers: Direct bank transfer (BACS)

*Get an automatic 10% discount when you pay with any supported cryptocurrency.

What will appear on my statement?2024-11-12T11:48:55+00:00

Credit or debit card transactions made via Dope Breeders will appear on your statement as “APXE Ltd” with no mention of or affiliation with cannabis. This ensures your shopping experience with us remains 100% discreet.

Do you offer gift vouchers?2024-11-12T11:49:58+00:00

Dope Breeders currently doesn’t offer gift vouchers, but it’s something we’re exploring for the future.